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Did Safeway have stores like this in MD/VA?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 00:24
by Ephrata1966
This style:

Around when were these built? Are any still Safeways?

Re: Did Safeway have stores like this in MD/VA?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 08:14
by maynesG
Hi, It reminds me of the former Safeway in Seaford De, the current one in Easton Md and the former Safeway/Finast in Closter N.J.. I would say late 50!s, early 1960!s. Not all Safeways had barrel Roofs, or were Marinas.

Re: Did Safeway have stores like this in MD/VA?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 15:58
by Ephrata1966
Did any of them have pylon signs like this?:

Re: Did Safeway have stores like this in MD/VA?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 19:50
by maynesG
I have seen Safeways of the period with sign posts just like the Fiesta in the picture. However, the Safeway in Closter had a Smaller but similar post( only one store in the lot). The store in Easton has the more traditional post and round Safeway exit and entrance signs. The ex Safeway in Seaford dosent have any street sign at all.

Re: Did Safeway have stores like this in MD/VA?

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 22:26
by Groceteria
This is more of a mid-late 1960s design which was also seen on the west coast, more in Southern California than Northern.