How to Post Images

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How to Post Images

Post by Groceteria »

Several of you have expressed the fact that you are unsure how to post images on the board. It's covered in the FAQ, but I'll see if I can expand.

1. Images must be available on the web. You cannot upload photos from your home computer to the board, nor from your password-protected email account, etc. You must set up you own webhosting account (or use someone else's) to display your own images.

2. When posting images from someone else's webspace, you need to have their permission first. It is EXTREMELY rude to create inline links to other people's photos on their servers without permission. If they pay for bandwidth, you are also stealing from them, or at least costing them money, when you do this. Some websites even have protections in place to prevent you from doing so. If you must display other people's images. it's better to download them to your own webspace and link to that.

3. To post an image, simply click the "IMG" button above the box where you type your text. This will cause a bit of code that looks like this to appear in your text:
  • Image
Immediately after that code, type in the URL of the image you want to include. By that, I mean the URL of the image, not of the URL of the page where it's located. In most browsers, you can see the image URL by right-clicking the image (or control-click, if you're on a Mac with a one-button mouse) and selecting "Vew image" or "Open image in new window". The URL will appear in the address bar of the new window where the image is displayed; it should staart with "http://" and end in ".jpg" or ".gif".

4. After this, click the "Close Tags" link, which should place another bit of code that looks like this after the image URL:
  • [/img]
So the whole string should look like this:
  • [img]http://image%20address%20goes%20here[/img]
You can also type this code manually, without using the "Img" or "Close Tags" buttons if you like.

5. That should do it.
Last edited by Groceteria on 18 Aug 2007 22:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Groceteria »

A few clarifications and requests:

1. Please limit the number of photos that are actually DISPLAYED in your post. One or two per page is one thing, but when people start including 6 or 7 pictures per post, the number of photos on the page adds up fast. This presents a real problem for people who are accessing the board via a slow dialup connection. If you have lots of photos, consider posting a link to the URL where the photo is displayed rather than using the IMG tag to display it on the actual board; that way people have the option of downloading the photo or not.

2. Once again, it is a violation of the rules to post inline links to images on other people's websites unless you have their permission to do so. All images must be located on your own server account or on a site from which you have permission to create inline links (Flickr, Photobucket, etc). Otherwise, consider posting a link to the page where the photo is displayed instead.

3. If an image is more than about 800 pixels wide, it would be nice if you could edit it and reduce its size so that test doesn't scroll past the edge of the window for people using smaller monitors or lower resolutions. You can link to a larger image so people have the OPTION of seeing it if you like.

I may exercise my privilege of editing posts to bring them into compliance with these rules, but I'd prefer not to have to.

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Post by Groceteria »

If there are questions about the mechanics of image posting on this board, please feel free to ask them here. Questions about types of images, etc. would best be posted to the appropriate history forum.
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Great Pumpkin
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Post by Groceteria »

FYI, I moved the new discussion about types of images to post:

It seemed like a more appropriate forum since this one was really designed to be about the mechanics of how to post images on the board, and I've now clarified that above as well.
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